We believe that no matter your age, job role, or experience, you can use your skills knowledge and experience in supporting the wider community.

And because we believe in walking the walk, that’s exactly what we do too.

Here are a few of the voluntary initiatives we are involved in.

Derby Women's Centre (DWC) is a registered charity based in Derby, which supports women with a range of complex needs. Both of our directors serve on the board of DWC and are proud to support its growth and future in a period of uncertainty and a challenging funding environment.

In January 2019 we agreed to support RIFT Social Enterprise's initiative to provide self employment training to offenders at a heavily reduced rate.

Think It Possible (TIP) is a London based social enterprise created to tackle barriers to social mobility by connecting young people from diverse backgrounds to professionals of all sectors in the UK.

If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.
- Kofi Annan

If you are interested in finding out more about the initiatives we are involved in, whether you would like to get involved yourself, or whether you have a project you think we might be interested in, please do get in touch!

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